Shri Jagannath Temple and its Architectural Facts!

Shri Mandir or the Lord Jagannath Temple is the soul of Odisha. Not only Odisha, but the Jagannath temple is also one of the biggest temples of Hindu culture and India. In the Hindu culture, it represents one of the four dhams and is the most sacred place of eastern India. Besides, all its cultural importance, this temple is also a great example of exceptional architecture in ancient times. It is a living vivacious temple that defies modern-day architecture as well.

However, the real question is how the engineers in ancient times built such a huge temple without any equipment. Isn’t it astonishing! Yes! If you want to know more about the architectural facts of Shree Jagannath Temple, you are at the best place. Here in this post, you will learn about the architectural facts and features of the Shri Jagannath temple of Puri.

Now, coming back to the temple architecture, you will get amazed to know that the Jagannath Temple is an amalgamation of Dravida and Nagara style architecture. Dravida is a south India Architecture, and Nagara is north Indian architecture. Here are some more facts about Shree Jagannath Temple that will amaze you.

The temple resonate the shape of a chariot

During the 6th and 7th centuries, one thing was really common in the architectural style of all the temples. And it is the shape of the temples. Every temple in those days represented the shape of a chariot. Most of the temples came with Tri-Ratha-shaped chariot ( that means chariot with three carts). However, Shree Jagannath Temple Puri at that time came with a unique architectural style. Rather than representing the Tri-Ratha, Shri Jagannath Temple Puri is in the shape of a Pancha Ratha. This Pancha Ratha includes two Anu Rathas, two Konakas, and one Raha.

The Design that represents Deities as the head of the state

In Shri Jagannath Temple-Architecture there is one more thing that you will find. And it is the design that represents Deities as supreme lord. Yes! The temple design considers the Deities as the supreme head of the state, and that is why the temple architecture offers all royal facilities to the deities. The Deities reside in the Jagmohan (Audience hall). And the place gets surrounded by the Nata Mandap which is the dancing hall, Bhoga mandap which is the dining hall, and many more.

Different Portions of the temple resembles different part of the human body

Yes! You are reading it right! Have you ever heard of it before! Well, the different portions of Shri Jagannath Temple Resonate with a different part of the human body. Even the name says the same as well. You can find portions of the temple similar to Feet with fingers, Knees, Upper portion of the knee, waist, belly, lungs, heart, shoulders, neck skull, mouth, brain, and many more.

The name of such portions in the temple is known as Pada Pitha, Bandhan, Upar Jangha, Basant, Garbha griha, Raha, Visama, Kantha, Amalaka, Khapuri, Kalasa, and Ayudha of Temple. Moreover, you can say that the temple is the model of a human body. And the Lord resides within it. In the modern-day also this architecture explains to you that the lord Jagannath, or god lies within your body.

The Temple structure does not cast any shadow

This is the most amazing fact about temple architecture. The Shri Jagannath Temple is built in such a way that you can find the shadow of the temple around any part of the temple at any time of the day. However, many engineers are still trying to decode the reason behind it. But it still remains a phenomenon that comes connected to a divine force.


Keeping it compact, these are the architectural facts about the Shri Jagannath temple. The facts about the temple are infinite. If you start discovering, you will never end up. But these were some of the indispensable facts that you must know.

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